Friday, July 22, 2011

Grocery Day

This needs to be a relatively quick post since I'm heading to see Harry Potter in about 10 minutes(NERD alert). However, today was the BIG grocery shop day. For $80, I purchased a huge tub of spinach, mini colored peppers, baby carrots, hummus, mushrooms, 2 bags of bagel thins, butter, gallon of skim milk, eggs, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, bananas, and Sunchips. Everything was purchased at Sam's Club so while the above may not seem like a lot, just imagine bulk portions of everything. I'm not entirely sure what I will be using everything in but that means it's time to start getting creative in the kitchen! And on that note I'm off to cry my eyes out. Good thing it's a late showing, I may have streaky mascara marks on my face by the end of the movie.

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